The World's Greatest Athlete - that nobody knew.
de.cath.lon (definition): an athletic event taking place over two days in which each competitor takes part in the same prescribed 10 events. Before the Trials for the 1952 Helsinki Olympic Games, Milt Campbell, of Plainfield New Jersey, had never competed in a decathlon. He'd never pole vaulted, never thrown a discus, never thrown a javelin and had never run a 1500 m race. How could he win the Olympic gold medal four years later in the decathlon at the Summer Games in Melbourne, Australia at just 22 years of age? Several American athletes have earned the gold for the same 10-event Olympic contest, including Jim Thorpe (who was the very first), Bob Mathias (twice), Rafer Johnson, Bill Tomey and Bruce Jenner among others, all claiming the mantel as the World's Best Athlete. Each of them became famous following their athletic careers. Their names are familiar to many of us who follow sport. Milt Campbell was the first black decathlon winner. He was one of them, but no...