
Showing posts from February, 2020

I Stole This ... I'm not sorry

If you've ever been to a Christian church, you've heard, agreed with, disagreed with, endured or just fallen asleep listening to a sermon. They're good or bad and most take too long. Some preachers/evangelists/ use the hymn Amazing Grace to back up their plea to bring the congregation together. In the second line of the hymn,  my wife objects to "that saved a wretch like me" -- she doesn't think of herself as a wretch and neither do I.  Often I wish, just once, that the sermon giver would get up to the pulpit and simply say, "Please try not to run over another parishioner as you are leaving the parking lot ... have a nice day." and then sit down. Recently, I stayed awake long enough to steal a sermon theme from an unsuspecting orator. He claimed it was a Best Man wedding speech delivered after one of the chicken dinners he is forced to attend.         Salt         SEL           Sal             Sale             Salz

The World's Greatest Entertainer

         en - ter - tain - er          NOUN          definition:          a person, such as a singer, dancer, or comedian,          whose job it is to entertain others.           wor - lds  - great - est   en - ter  -  tain  - er           NOUN          definition:         (my definition; all of the above and more) He was full-to-the-brim with talent but couldn't read or write until he was 18 years old. His father and uncle had formed a tap dance show,  The Will Mastin Trio,  and put him on a vaudeville stage with them when he was only 4 years old. By his late teens, he couldn't wait for fate or good luck to help him.  He had to make it on his own. So he stood outside the stage door following a Frank Sinatra concert in hopes of meeting his idol. At the same time, there must have been hundreds of other competing performers all looking for Sinatra's approval or word of encouragement or recommendation for a job. For some reason, Sammy Davis Jr. and Frank Sina