
Showing posts from September, 2020

A Story for the end of Summer ...

The Song ,  See You in September  was a 1950s billboard hit by the  Tempos . It perfectly   summed up what I said to my friends  as my family got ready to pack the car for our summer vacation at   Woodland Beach  on southern Georgian Bay -- an hour and a half north of Toronto. Woodland was my go-to vacation spot. My mother was so determined to get the family out of the city, she'd rent a cottage each year, get my siblings, load up on groceries, and off-we'd-go. My father would drop everyone at the rented cottage, unload the car, leave, and wouldn't return until our rental was finished. As I may have indicated in previous stories, my father was a little different and most definitely not a cottage guy... "he'd wear a 3 piece suit to a picnic". Cottages in the 1950s weren't very well equipped -- outhouses and pots under the bed were common. Somehow, they worked.  It was simply part of going to the cottage . Relatives from Toronto and Detroit and Connecticu