You Woke?

Do you know what "woke" means?

I've tried.
I hear it used every day.
I've taken the stated definition and attempted to apply it to everyday issues.

The meaning is elusive.

Today, people struggle with their identity. 
Their confusion is tragic.

As best I can, I sympathize with people not feeling comfortable in their own skin. Sometimes nature misses a step and makes a boy feel more like a girl and a girl more like a boy. I feel very sorry that a person has to endure the pain of aligning with the sex that their system tells them they should. It must weigh very heavily on them ... we don't have to look far to see evidence of the pressures they deal with. But, I don't think it falls on me to change the English grammar that I've used during my life to address them. 

Actually, I refuse to do that. 

In national and collegiate sports competitions in the past 2-3 years it appears that men wishing to be or transitioning to be women has become a red-hot controversial issue. It's happened. Men are now competing against women. On the surface ... you may say "women want to be treated like men"  let them compete equally. I don't think it works the other way ... women who are transitioning to men are not saying I want to compete against men.

Women have struggled to be recognized for their athletic ability for decades. Now, when it appears they are making real, financial and noticeable recognition breakthroughs in sports like soccer and ice hockey and basketball and tennis, some men claim they are actually women and somehow they are being allowed to compete against them.

This will not end well.
I'll give you 3 examples.

I will only identify the situation in each case. If you would like to flush out the complete story ... all you have to do is Google it.

#1The Los Vegas Aces of the Women's National Basketball Association  were back to back national champions. They were offered $1million in cash to play and beat the boy's state championship team. The offer was made months ago -- the women win -- they get a million dollars. WNBA players don't earn anywhere near what NBA (men) players earn.The betting company that made the offer to the women claims they have not had a response from the team or the WNBA.

#2 The Dallas Under 15 Boys soccer squad beat the USA Women's National team 8 - 1.

#3 Serena Williams the most famous woman in professional tennis played and lost 3 straight games to the #203 ranked Men's tennis player, Karsten Braash. Nobody has ever heard of him. Her sister lost to the same guy.

I don't mean to shine the light on women's defeats. The examples just emphasize the difference in physicality between men and women.Google the medical information on the clear differences between male and female athletes and why men, who claim to be women, should never be allowed to participate in women's sports.

You may be interested in how the The Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games Committee views this highly controversial issue. They have established their firm guidelines to level the playing field so-to-speak. "Transgendered athletes for the 2024 Games must complete their transition before they are 12 years of age to avoid unfair advantages".

For non Olympic competitions, how about this ... if you are a biological man with XY chromosomes but claim to be a woman or are transitioning to be a woman, you get to compete in any sport you want with other biological men with XY chromosomes who claim to be women or are transitioning to be a woman. The category could be titled, Men/Open.

An important side benefit ... those XY folks will not be changing into their athletic gear in the same rooms as people who are biological females with XX chromosomes. Ya know, women ... adult females.

6'1" Lia Thomas became the Women's National Champion 
after transitioning as a woman. As a man, "Will" Thomas
was ranked 65th amongst USA men swimmers

The dictionary states that "woke" means being alert to injustice and discrimination in society.

OK ... now I get it ... I'm alert to injustice ... I'm woke ... if I remind biological men (above) to play in their own lane and stop competing against adult females and stay out of their locker rooms. It's a terrible injustice to women.


  1. All sports my friend. Two categories. XY and XX. Like Drug Test. You compete in your category.

  2. First There was Adam
    Then there was Eve
    All good until that 3rd living
    Being messed it up

  3. So, I saw your title, MT, and thought, “this is gonna be good.”
    You have clearly settled this issue with your EPIC Thoughts! Great!

    1. settling the issue is easy ... new athletic category, Men/Open

  4. Well done, Mike. Without denigrating anyone or in any way seeking advantage for any one “group”, you have flushed out the silliness of gender parity. Women have babies and handle that better than men seem to be able to do. Men, as a group, seem to be stronger physically relative to weight mass they can lift. This could change over time but it will take a lot of time. Nature and the global environment will weigh in here.

    The major issue for me occurs when men overlook instances where some women are much stronger than some men, much better hockey players than some men, much faster runners than some men... and these instances warrant full respect and notice. Similarly, some men display levels of artistry and aesthetics at a level that matches and sometimes exceeds many of the top females in the same areas of endeavour... such as figure skating and synchronized swimming. Good on them. Nonetheless, there are two major sexes and several “iterations” as well and there is room for all of us, even if it isn’t in the same sports’ change rooms. As AI becomes a part of human enhancement, mental and physical, the various positions on what constitutes a male or female sports team will require a new level of “discrimination” and that will likely occur within the present decade. Woke indeed!


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