The Jockey who spent 12 years in the NHL
Canadian, Sandy Hawley was one of the best-thoroughbred jockeys in the world. He won the Queens's Plate four times. He finished first in 6,450 races and second in 4,858 races. As a 59-year-old, Sandy had his final win for horse breeder/musician, Herb Alpert, at Hollywood Park in LA aboard "Tribal Chief". The "Sandman" Sandy Hawley "He put other riders to sleep as he passed them" Several tests have proven that jockeys are the best, pound-for-pound, athletes in the world -- Sandy was clearly superstar status. He was also a very good hockey player. I know because he invited me to play weekly shinny games along with him and his fellow jockeys on their racing day off. Jockeys have endless energy and these guys, Sandy included, were superb skaters. Ground Zero for horse racing in Canada is Woodbine Racetrack in Toronto. However, racing ceases for the winter and jockeys have to find another track (in a warmer climate). He chose Hollywood Park in Los Ange...