
Showing posts from January, 2022

Me? A writer?

  2019 …   a hockey buddy said, "you've played hockey with  everybody, why don't you write about it”.  Me? A writer? It sounded like an interesting challenge. I thought I could write 500 words on that hockey subject.  So, in April 2019, I began.  One hockey player or hockey occasion reminded me of another and when I finished, my computer was able to give me a word count for my very first essay. It totalled 13,000 words, not 500 and it's titled " Hockey Rules ... not the rules " I've really enjoyed the experience and received lots of encouragement from readers to do more.  I guessed I might have 20 more stories in me and a Florida friend/computer wizard suggested I post my nonsense on something called a blog . I thought some of the personal meetings I've had with famous people may be interesting and I should include them. Cito Gaston, "Rocket" Richard, Shania, and Ted Lindsay, Roger Clemens and Bill Cosby, Sinatra and Belafonte, Don Cher